It does this despite significant region wide barriers to growth and development as well as those of specific importance to our individual regions.
As outlined in our 2024 Election Platform, we are seeking the commitment of the parties and candidates contesting this election to support WQAC in addressing these challenges as well as building on existing opportunities across Western Queensland.
State election 2024
The 24 councils of rural and remote Western Queensland have come together under the banner of the Western Queensland Alliance of Councils to represent matters of common concern in the State’s far west.
These matters are highlighted in our Election Platform and represent the most significant region wide barriers to growth and development as well as those of specific importance to our individual regions.
We are seeking from the parties with candidates contesting this election their commitment to supporting WQAC address these challenges as well as build on existing opportunities across Western Queensland.
Western Queensland 2024 State Election Scorecard released: How do parties contesting Traeger, Gregory and Warrego stack up?
The responses are in, and the local government leaders of Western Queensland have assessed the party responses to their call to commit to Invest in the West, releasing a State Election Scorecard today.
How do the candidates for Traeger, Gregory and Warrego stack up to calls to invest in Western Queensland?...
That’s the question being posed by the 24 rural and remote local governments of the Western Queensland Alliance of Councils (WQAC) on behalf of their communities ahead of the state election.